Leadership Development: A 33-Year Legacy

Last month 29 graduates of the Leadership Eugene Springfield 2018-2019 Class joined the prominent ranks of hundreds of LES alumni who have successfully completed the program.
For over thirty years, our members have invested in the development of community leaders who can advocate for and represent the community as a whole, who value the interaction of government, business and charitable institutions in creating a healthy economy, and who are ready to be involved in creating a positive future for their community. Cultivating talent is imperative for a strong economy where businesses and people thrive, that’s why your Springfield and Eugene Chambers of Commerce lead this initiative together.
Like those who came before them, the LES Class of 2018-19 represents individuals from all sectors of our community including, non-profit, education, government, human services, banking/finance, and small business. Each of them started this program 8 months ago with a united goal to develop their civic leadership skill set for the advancement of the Springfield/Eugene community.
Cultivating talent is imperative for a strong economy where businesses and people thrive.
The cohort learned how our two cities tackle issues relating to land use and transportation, public safety, health and human services, and education. Government leaders shared their vision for our future, and demonstrated how our two cities function, collaborate, and interact. The class discovered the economic impact of arts organizations, and how arts and culture is integrated throughout our community. The breadth of knowledge covered throughout this program allows members of the cohort to gain a general understanding of many systems, while allowing for a deeper dive into areas of special interest.
For the last several years, the program has culminated in a class project completed outside of LES classes. The class project provides an opportunity for class members to practice the leadership skills they learn in class and to produce something tangible at the end of their 8 months together. The class of 2018-19 chose to complete two projects, around the challenge of affordable housing, and the opportunity that Oregon21 Track and Field Championships will bring to our community. Check out the housing project at https://yimbyes.org/, and the OREGON21 project HERE!
If you’re interested in learning more about Leadership Eugene Springfield, call the Chamber, or join us for one of our upcoming coffee talk sessions (dates will be announced shortly). Applications open this month for the 2019-20 LES class, and close on August 1st.